Student handbook

Your rights and responsibilities

As a member of our academic community, it’s essential to understand your rights and responsibilities.

Our student handbook is designed to guide you through your educational journey, providing a comprehensive overview of the policies, procedures, and expectations that shape our university.

They also form the terms and conditions of your enrolment.

We encourage you to familiarize yourself with its contents and reach out to your concierge if you have any questions or concerns.

A group of four diverse people are gathered together, all smiling and engaged in what they are looking at on a tablet held by one of the women. The group seems to be in a casual office environment, with some of them holding coffee cups, which adds to the relaxed and collaborative atmosphere. This image represents the concept of "Your Rights and Responsibilities," indicating a positive and inclusive approach to understanding and respecting individual roles and duties within a community or organisation.

At Cedar Mountains University, we believe that everyone should have the opportunity to participate fully in our educational programs and services, regardless of their background.

We are committed to making this possible and applying our guidelines and practices equally to all individuals.

What do we mean by access and equity?

Access means that anyone can take part in our online courses as long as they meet the entry requirements.

It doesn’t matter what your racial, religious, cultural, or language background is.

Equity means that we apply our guidelines and practices fairly to everyone, making sure that access is possible for all.

How do we support access and equity?

We are dedicated to supporting every student throughout their entire educational journey.

Here are some of the ways we do this:

Our people: We have policies in place to guide the behavior of our staff and shape our university culture. Access and equity are not just words to us, but a fundamental belief system.

Flexible course options: We offer online courses with adaptable structures and schedules to accommodate different needs. Our courses cater to diverse learning styles by offering a variety of teaching methods, materials, and resources to support different ways of learning.

Simplified enrolment: Our selection criteria are based on the requirements of the course, and our online enrolment process is designed to be straightforward and accessible.

Inclusive learning environment: We actively promote an inclusive online learning environment by being supportive, setting standards for all students, identifying any special needs, and ensuring that our digital platforms are accessible.

Customized assessment processes: We recognize and value the existing skills of our students. We provide thorough information about the evaluation process and requirements, and we work with students to arrange suitable assessment methods and timelines.

Support for special needs: If a student requires additional support to complete their course, we encourage them to discuss their needs with us. Wherever possible, we will make adjustments to the course or assessments to accommodate these needs.

Student welfare: We prioritize the welfare of every student and do not tolerate bias, discrimination, or harassment that could interfere with anyone’s ability to fully participate in their studies.

Fairness in resolving issues: If problems arise, we have a fair and equitable complaints process that ensures students are not disadvantaged or interrupted in their course while the issue is being resolved.

Staff training and development: We are committed to ongoing staff training and development in the areas of access, equity, diversity, and inclusion. This ensures that our staff members are well-equipped to support students effectively in an online learning environment.

Regular review and improvement: We regularly review and improve our access and equity practices based on student feedback, changing needs, and best practices in online education. This helps us to continuously enhance our support for students and maintain a welcoming, inclusive virtual environment.

At Cedar Mountains University, we are committed to providing an inclusive and supportive online learning environment where everyone can thrive and succeed in their academic pursuits.

Cedar Mountains University may update this Privacy Policy from time to time to reflect changes in its data practices or legal obligations.

The University will notify individuals of any material changes to this policy by posting a notice on its website or through other appropriate communication channels.

As a student at Cedar Mountains University, you have the following rights:

Right to be supported

Once enrolled, you will have access to a range of academic support options to provide you with the best opportunity to complete your online course successfully.

We will seek to establish pre-enrolment if any support requirements may exist and continue to monitor your academic progress to identify potential obstacles to successful completion of the course.

Our support options are available to any currently enrolled student.

We will provide a supportive online learning environment to the best of our ability and resources.

However, there may be support and welfare needs that are beyond our scope of expertise, and you may be referred to an external provider.

Where possible, we will provide support at no additional cost to you.

However, where an external provider provides support services, the cost of accessing those services will be your responsibility.

Support options may include reasonable adjustment of assessment tasks, extended timeframes for completion of assessment tasks, alteration to online learning delivery schedules, and individual coaching by training staff.

Right to have your privacy respected and protected

We gather information from staff, students, potential students, and other stakeholders.

We respect the privacy of the personal information collected and take the storage and security of this information seriously.

Our Privacy Policy details your rights and our obligations in this regard.

Right to safety

All students have the right to equal opportunity and freedom from discrimination, harassment, victimization, cyberbullying, or any form of online misconduct, regardless of their race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, age, disability, or any other protected characteristic.

You have the right to a safe and secure online learning environment.

Right to academic freedom

Students have the right to express their views and opinions freely within the context of the online course, as long as they do so respectfully and in accordance with the university’s policies.

Right to have your existing skills/qualifications recognized

Cedar Mountains University acknowledges the value of prior learning and encourages students to explore opportunities for credit transfer and exemptions based on their previous education, training, or work experience.

Our Credit Transfer and Prior Learning Assessment (PLA) policies are designed to ensure that you receive credit for demonstrable knowledge and skills relevant to your chosen program of study, in accordance with the standards set by accrediting bodies and the university itself.

This means that you may not be required to take certain courses if you can provide evidence of having already mastered the learning outcomes through other means.

Our Credit Transfer and Prior Learning Assessment policies detail your rights, the process for seeking credit or exemptions, and our obligations in this regard.

Right to receive feedback

Receiving feedback on progress is a fundamental concept of adult learning.

You can submit assessable work at any time and will be provided with feedback on it within seven days.

This feedback is designed to provide acknowledgment of achievement and guidance on areas that may need improvement.

Right to re-submit assessment

At Cedar Mountains University, we believe in providing students with ample opportunities to demonstrate their mastery of course material and achieve their full potential.

If you receive feedback indicating that your submitted work does not meet the required standards or contains areas for improvement, you have the right to revise and resubmit your assessment as many times as needed until the final day of the term.

This policy applies to all graded assignments, projects, and other forms of assessment, excluding final exams.

Right to give feedback

You have the right to provide feedback to Cedar Mountains University at any time during your studies.

We value your input as it helps us improve our courses, teaching, and support services.

While we will specifically ask for your feedback at certain times, such as through online surveys at the end of each course, you are encouraged to share your thoughts, suggestions, and concerns whenever you feel it is necessary.

This feedback can cover any aspect of your experience at Cedar Mountains University, including course content, teaching methods, learning resources, support services, and online learning platforms.

When providing feedback, you can choose to do so anonymously or include your name and contact details if you would like a response or further discussion.

All feedback is treated confidentially and is used only to improve the quality of our programs and services.

We are committed to reviewing and acting upon your feedback to ensure we provide the best possible learning experience for all our students.

By sharing your feedback, you contribute to the continuous improvement of education at Cedar Mountains University.

Right to complain and appeal

You have the unrestricted right to file a complaint about any action, omission, or decision made by the university, its staff, contractors, or other students at any time during your studies.

If you are dissatisfied with the outcome of a complaint or any other decision made by the university, you also have the right to appeal that decision, as per our Complaints and Appeals policy.

Right to access your records

We ensure that you have timely access to records related to your participation, progress, and final outcomes upon written request.

We will manage current and past records to ensure their accuracy, integrity, and privacy at all times.

Student code of conduct

As a student, you are responsible for:

  • Actively participating in online learning activities and maintaining satisfactory progress
  • Discussing any personal/medical circumstances that may affect your studies with your concierge as soon as they become known. Medical conditions or personal circumstances which have not been declared cannot usually be taken into account in assessing performance
  • Being aware of the correct dates, times, and virtual locations of all online learning sessions and assessment tasks that you are required to attend or complete
  • Ensuring all coursework, assessments, and submitted evidence are in concise and accurate English and represent your own work
  • Using respectful language and tone in all forms of communication, including emails, discussion forums, chat rooms, and virtual meetings
  • Respecting the online learning environment by engaging in appropriate online etiquette and following guidelines for virtual interactions
  • Protecting confidential information, such as personal details of other students or staff, which you may come across during your studies
  • Being respectful and considerate of cultural differences when interacting with peers and staff from diverse backgrounds

It is expected that you will:

  • Treat all university staff, fellow students, and any individuals you interact with as part of your studies with respect, fairness, and courtesy
  • Be punctual and regular in attending online sessions and meetings
  • Observe academic integrity standards and follow instructions provided by the university

You must not:

  • Engage in any form of academic misconduct, such as plagiarism, cheating, or collusion
  • Harass fellow students, university staff, or any individuals you interact with as part of your studies
  • Use virtual meeting tools, online forums, or similar platforms to record others without the consent of the person being photographed or recorded
  • Share or distribute Cedar Mountains University’s proprietary content, learning materials, or intellectual property without permission
  • Engage in behavior that may offend, embarrass, threaten, or harm other students or staff
  • Violate the terms of use or end-user license agreements of any software, applications, or online platforms used by the university

Cedar Mountains University welcomes applicants from diverse educational backgrounds and recognizes that relevant work experience can prepare individuals for academic success.

The following are the admission requirements for our graduate programs.

Graduate program

A bachelor’s degree or equivalent.

The following items are acceptable as proof of equivalence:
  • Official undergraduate transcript
  • Evidence of foreign degree and documentation of equivalency to the United States:
  • All foreign transcripts and diplomas must be evaluated by a member of the National Association of Credential Evaluation Service (NACES). The following is a sample of foreign transcript and diploma evaluators. Cedar Mountains University does not endorse any evaluators.

Alternative entry

Applicants without a Bachelor’s degree may be admitted to Cedar Mountains University if they can evidence the following:

  • GMAT score of 600 or higher, AND
  • Five years of professional leadership experience, OR
  • Ten years of honorable military service.

In some cases, applicants may be admitted to one or more Cedar Mountains University Professional Certificate course without meeting these requirements.

Progress to a degree program will be conditional on the student receiving a GPA of 3.0 in those courses.

International students

English language proficiency.

As English is the medium of instruction at Cedar Mountains University, international students must demonstrate a strong command of the language to succeed academically and fully participate in the university community.

To prove English proficiency, international students must submit one of the following:

In some cases, international students may be admitted to one or more Cedar Mountains University Professional Certificate courses without meeting these requirements.

Progress to a degree program will be conditional on the student receiving a GPA of 3.0 in those courses.

Excpetions and waivers
International students who meet one of the following criteria may be exempt from submitting English proficiency test scores:
  • Students who have completed a degree program at an accredited English-medium institution in the United States, United Kingdom, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, or Canada (except Quebec).
  • Students who have completed at least two years of full-time study at an accredited English-medium institution in the United States, United Kingdom, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, or Canada (except Quebec).
  • Students who are citizens of a country where English is an official language and the primary language of instruction in education.

Waivers or exceptions to the English language proficiency requirement are granted on a case-by-case basis.

Students seeking a waiver or exception must submit a written request to the university, along with supporting documentation.

Cedar Mountains University recognizes that students may have acquired significant knowledge and skills through various experiences outside of traditional academic settings.

The Prior Learning Assessment (PLA) policy allows prospective and enrolled students to demonstrate their mastery of course content and earn academic credit for their prior learning experiences.


Prospective students may apply for PLA prior to enrollment in a degree program at Cedar Mountains University.

Enrolled graduate students may be granted credit for up to 50% of their program through PLA.

Types of Credit Reviewed

Transfer Credit

Official transcripts are required for review of credit.

All credits must be from a state-approved/licensed or accredited (by a body recognized by the U.S. Department of Education) postsecondary institution.

All foreign transcripts and degrees must be evaluated by a member of the National Association of Credential Evaluation Service (NACES) for equivalency.

American Council on Education (ACE) Credit

Evaluation and granting of credit based on ACE guides and applicability of coursework by program.

National Guide:

Military Guide:

Council for Adult and Experiential Learning (CAEL) Credit

CAEL’s Ten Standards for Assessing Learning to be conducted.

For graduate students, credit or competencies are awarded only for evidence of learning, not for experience or time spent.

Application Process

Prospective students interested in PLA should contact a student concierge to discuss their prior learning experiences and determine if they are eligible for credit.

Enrolled students should contact their concierge to discuss their prior learning experiences and determine if they are eligible for credit.

Students must submit a PLA application, along with supporting documentation (e.g., transcripts, ACE guides, portfolios, etc.), to the Provost’s Office.

The Provost’s Office will forward the application and supporting documentation to the appropriate academic department for evaluation.

The academic department will review the application and supporting documentation and determine the number of credits to be awarded, if any.

The Provost’s Office will notify the student of the outcome of their PLA application and post any awarded credits to their academic record.

Students may appeal the outcome of their PLA application as per the Complaints and Appeals policy of the university.

Before you enroll

We want to ensure you have been provided with enough information to make an informed decision about undertaking your studies at Cedar Mountains University. 

Your dedicated student concierge is available to discuss your options, rights, and obligations before you enroll in a course.

Information you need:

  • Course content and expected learning outcomes
  • Entry requirements and prerequisites
  • Teaching and assessment arrangements
  • Credit transfer and prior learning assessment options
  • Required resources or equipment
  • Complaints and appeals processes
  • Student support and guidance services
  • Technology requirements for online learning
  • Estimated time commitment for the course

Our commitment to you

Once your studies commence, we will ensure that:
  • The online learning platform, materials, resources, and methods are sufficient for achieving the required learning outcomes
  • The learning environment is free from harassment, discrimination, and bullying
  • The online learning environment is safe and secure
  • The course is conducted and completed as agreed


Cedar Mountains University is committed to providing a safe and inclusive learning environment and complies with equal opportunity and anti-discrimination legislation.

Access to our courses is determined by program requirements, available places, and payment of appropriate tuition fees.

Entry requirements and prerequisites
  • Some programs may have prerequisites that must be completed and formally recognized before course enrollment
  • Entry requirements may include prior academic experience and English language proficiency appropriate to the level of the qualification
  • Qualified staff will assess your likelihood of achieving the stated learning outcomes based on your qualifications and proficiencies
  • Share or distribute Cedar Mountains University’s proprietary content, learning materials, or intellectual property without permission

Enrollment process

  1. Complete the online enrollment form
  2. Accept the terms and conditions
  3. Receive an invoice for tuition fees
  4. Once payment is processed, you will be officially enrolled in your chosen course
Deferment, variation, or cancellation of enrollment
Cedar Mountains University may defer, vary, or cancel your enrollment in the following instances:
  • Failure to uphold and maintain university policies and procedures outlined in the Student Handbook
  • Repeated plagiarism or academic dishonesty
  • Proven cheating in an assessment task
  • Compassionate and compelling circumstances
  • Serious misconduct as outlined in the Student Handbook
  • Consistently unsatisfactory course progress or continuous absence from scheduled online sessions
  • Non-payment of tuition fees

Cedar Mountains University is committed to a culture of academic integrity, responsible scholarship, and the ethical use of technology.

Academic integrity is the commitment to five fundamental values: honesty, trust, fairness, respect, and responsibility.

These values are essential to the integrity of academic work and the credibility of educational achievements.

Honesty: Being truthful, sincere, and genuine in all academic activities and interactions. This includes presenting one’s own work, acknowledging the contributions of others, and being transparent about the use of AI tools or other resources.

Trust: Building and maintaining a culture of mutual trust between students, faculty, and staff. This involves being reliable, accountable, and acting with integrity in all academic matters.

Fairness: Ensuring equal opportunity and impartial treatment for all students. This includes fair assessment practices, equal access to resources and support, and the consistent application of academic policies and standards.

Respect: Showing regard for the dignity, diversity, and intellectual property of others. This involves respectfully engaging with different ideas and perspectives, properly acknowledging sources, and valuing the contributions of others in the academic community.

Responsibility: Being accountable for one’s actions and decisions in the academic setting. This includes taking ownership of one’s learning, being proactive in seeking help and guidance, and acting ethically in the use of AI tools and other resources.

Examples of Academic Dishonesty

Academic dishonesty includes, but is not limited to:

Plagiarism: Presenting someone else’s work, ideas, or opinions as one’s own without proper acknowledgment or citation.

Cheating: Using unauthorized materials, information, or study aids in any academic exercise, or helping another student to do so.

Fabrication: Falsifying or inventing information or data in an academic exercise.

Unauthorized collaboration: Working with others on an academic exercise without the instructor’s permission.

Multiple submissions: Submitting the same work, or substantially similar work, for credit in more than one course without the instructor’s permission.

Facilitating academic dishonesty: Helping or attempting to help another student engage in academically dishonest behavior.

Consequences of Academic Dishonesty

If a student is found to have engaged in academic dishonesty, the following consequences may apply:

  • The student may receive a failing grade for the assignment or course in which the dishonesty occurred.
  • The student may be required to complete additional academic integrity training or workshops.
  • In cases of severe or repeated offenses, the student may face disciplinary action, such as probation, suspension, or expulsion from the university.

Reporting and Adjudication Process

Faculty who suspect academic dishonesty should report the incident to the Provost’s Office.

The Provost’s Office will investigate the incident and determine if there is sufficient evidence to support the allegation.

If the allegation is substantiated, the Provost’s Office will notify the student in writing of the charges and the proposed consequences.

The student has the right to appeal the decision following the university’s established appeal process.

Education and Prevention

Cedar Mountains University is committed to educating students about academic integrity, responsible scholarship, and the ethical use of technology.

The university will:

  • Provide resources and training to help students understand and uphold academic integrity standards, including workshops on the responsible use of AI in academic work.
  • Encourage instructors to design assessments and assignments that promote original thought and creativity while allowing for the appropriate use of AI tools.
  • Regularly review and update the Academic Integrity Policy to ensure its effectiveness and relevance in light of emerging technologies and educational practices.

At Cedar Mountains University, we believe in preparing you for the future of work and learning.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is rapidly becoming an integral part of professional and academic environments.

By encouraging both students and assessors to use AI responsibly, we aim to equip you with valuable skills that will serve you well beyond your current studies.

The purpose of this policy is twofold:

  • To empower you to harness AI as a powerful tool in your learning journey, enhancing your research, analysis, and problem-solving capabilities.
  • To ensure that the use of AI in both completing and assessing work maintains academic integrity, fairness, and the development of essential critical thinking skills.

We view AI not as a replacement for human intelligence, but as a complement to it.

By learning to use AI effectively, you’ll develop a crucial skill set that combines technological proficiency with uniquely human attributes like creativity, ethical judgment, and contextual understanding.

This policy outlines how you can leverage AI in your assessments, how we use it in our grading process, and the principles that guide responsible AI use in education.

Our goal is to create an environment where AI enhances learning outcomes while preserving the value of original thought and academic rigor.

As you read through this policy, remember that the ability to work alongside AI, understanding its strengths and limitations, is likely to be as fundamental in your future career as computer literacy is today.

We’re excited to guide you in developing these skills responsibly and effectively.

Using AI to complete assessment tasks

We encourage you to use generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools like ChatGPT, Gemini, and Claude to support your learning and assessment tasks.

However, it’s essential to use these tools responsibly and ethically, maintaining the integrity of your academic work and the value of your original thought.

Here's how you can effectively use AI in your assessments

  • Idea generation: Use AI to brainstorm topics or angles for your assignments.
  • Research assistance: Ask AI for relevant sources or background information on your topic.
  • Outlining: Use AI to help structure your thoughts and create a basic outline for your work.
  • Proofreading: Have AI check your work for grammar, spelling, and clarity issues.
  • Fact-checking: Use AI to verify basic facts or find additional supporting evidence.
  • Data analysis: Ask AI to help interpret data or suggest visualization methods.
  • Clarifying concepts: Use AI to explain complex ideas in simpler terms.

Benefits of using AI in your assessments

  • Time efficiency: AI can help you work faster, allowing more time for deeper analysis and refinement.
  • Broader perspective: AI can introduce you to ideas or approaches you might not have considered.
  • Improved writing: Regular use of AI for proofreading can help you learn and avoid common writing mistakes.
  • Enhanced learning: Engaging with AI can deepen your understanding of topics through interactive questioning.
  • Skill development: Learning to use AI effectively is a valuable skill for your future career.

Risks and mitigations

Risk: Over-reliance on AI-generated content.

Mitigation: Use AI-generated content as a starting point, then significantly expand and refine it with your own ideas and analysis.

Risk: Submitting work that lacks originality.

Mitigation: Ensure that a significant proportion of your work reflects your own thoughts, experiences, and critical thinking.

Risk: Using incorrect or biased information from AI.

Mitigation: Always fact-check AI-provided information using reliable sources.

Risk: Losing your own voice in writing.

Mitigation: Use AI for inspiration, but maintain your unique writing style and perspective.

Risk: Unintentional plagiarism.

Mitigation: Always cite AI tools when you use them, just as you would any other source.

Pro-tip: Build your own prompt library

Creating a personal library of effective prompts can significantly enhance your AI interactions.

Keep a separate document with prompts you find useful for different tasks.

This practice will help you use AI more efficiently and consistently.

Here are some common prompts to get you started:

  • Research: “Provide an overview of [topic], including key concepts, major debates, and current research directions.”
  • Report planning: “Create an outline for a [length] report on [topic], including main points and potential sources.”
  • Critical analysis: “What are the main arguments for and against [position/theory]? Provide examples and counterarguments.”
  • Clarification: “Explain [concept] in simple terms, as if you’re teaching it to a beginner.”
  • Problem-solving: “What are some potential solutions to [problem]? List pros and cons for each.”
  • Literature review: “Identify key authors and their contributions to the field of [subject area].”
  • Data interpretation: “Based on this data [insert data], what trends or patterns can be observed? What might they suggest?”
  • Writing improvement: “Review this paragraph for clarity and coherence. Suggest improvements: [insert paragraph]”
  • Interdisciplinary connections: “How does [concept from one field] relate to or impact [another field]?”
  • Final proof: “Please proofread the following text for spelling, grammar, and syntax errors only. Do not suggest any changes to content, style, or structure. Only identify clear mistakes that need correction. “

Remember to customize these prompts for your specific needs and subject areas.

Regularly update your library based on what works best for you.

This approach will help you leverage AI more effectively in your studies while maintaining your own critical thinking and creativity.


  • Your work must contain significant original thought and effort.
  • AI should supplement, not replace, your own contributions.
  • Be transparent about your use of AI in your work.
  • Regularly practice writing and problem-solving without AI to maintain and improve your skills.

We believe that learning to use AI tools effectively while maintaining academic integrity will prepare you for the future workplace where these skills will be increasingly valuable.

If you’re unsure about how to use AI appropriately in a specific assignment, please consult your professor.

They can provide guidance on the acceptable use of AI for that particular task.

By using AI responsibly, you can enhance your learning experience while developing crucial skills for the future.

If you have any questions about this guidance, don’t hesitate to reach out to your professor or your concierge.

Using AI to support assessment judgments

As students, you are expected to use AI to support your work. Similarly, we use AI to support our assessment practices, not to replace our professors’ expert judgments.

Our grading process

  • Your professor’s initial review: Your professor reads every word of your submitted assessment, assessing it against the relevant assessment matrix, and making notes on your strengths and areas for improvement.
  • AI-assisted review: We then use the latest AI models to perform a confirmatory check against assessment criteria.
  • Comprehensive feedback: Your professor combines their notes with AI-generated insights to create personalized feedback.
  • Final grading: Your professor determines your final grade based on this thorough review process.

Benefits of this AI-supported process for you

  • Faster feedback: AI helps streamline grading, so you get results sooner and can continue learning without delay.
  • More consistent grading: AI reduces the risk of human bias and error, ensuring fair grading against the same standards for everyone.
  • Deeper insights: AI helps identify patterns and trends in your work that might not be immediately obvious, giving you a better understanding of your strengths and weaknesses.
  • More time for what matters: By automating some tasks, your professors have more time to focus on guiding you on your learning journey.
  • Thorough evaluation: You receive a dual-layered review, ensuring no important aspects of your work are overlooked.
  • Detailed feedback: The combination of human expertise and AI-assisted analysis provides you with more comprehensive and specific feedback.

Risks and mitigation

We acknowledge that AI technology is still in its infancy and this process comes with potential risks.

  • AI bias: AI can sometimes reflect biases present in its training data. To mitigate this, your professor always reviews and validates AI-generated feedback.
  • Lack of context understanding: AI might miss nuances or context-specific elements. Your professor’s expertise ensures these aspects are properly considered.
  • Over-reliance on technology: We maintain a balance between AI assistance and human judgment to avoid over-dependence on AI.
  • Privacy concerns: We use only secure, reputable AI tools and never share your personal information.

To further ensure fairness and consistency, we regularly conduct human academic moderation of assessments across different professors.

This process helps us maintain consistently high standards and equitable enforcement of grading criteria.

AI does not replace your professor’s judgment.

It’s a tool to enhance the assessment process, with your professor remaining the primary evaluator of your work.

This approach combines the insights of experienced educators with the analytical capabilities of advanced technology.

Note that assessors are only authorised to use ChatGPT, Gemini, or Claude to assist with assessment.

As a verified condition of use, assessors must opt out of allowing these models to train on any of the data we upload or share.

If you have questions about this process, please contact your professor or concierge.

Cedar Mountains University is committed to supporting students in their academic journey and ensuring that they make satisfactory progress toward their educational goals.

This policy outlines the standards and procedures for monitoring and evaluating students’ academic progress.

Evaluation Periods

Academic progress is evaluated at the end of each term.

Each term runs for 12 working weeks, from Monday to Friday.

There are two mandatory non-teaching weeks each year, which serve as term breaks.

These breaks commence on the last Monday in December and the last Monday in June.

During these periods, no assessment grading or feedback will be conducted, allowing both students and faculty to take a break and restore work/study/life balance.

Evaluation Process

During each term, students have the opportunity to resubmit assessment tasks an unlimited number of times until the final Friday of the term (week 12).

To ensure sufficient time to incorporate feedback and improve their grade, students are advised to allow up to 7 days for professors to provide feedback on resubmitted work.

Students have the flexibility to finish a course at any time by choosing not to resubmit any further assessment tasks and/or declaring their course complete.

In such cases, the final grade awarded for each task will be entered into the student’s academic record.

No extensions will be granted for work submitted after the term ends.

To avoid any last-minute hindrances or foreseeable issues, students are encouraged to submit at least one iteration of each assessment task well in advance of the term deadline.


The following grading scale is used to assess student performance:

:  4.0  Excellent

:  3.0  Good

C  :  2.0  Satisfactory

F  :  Fail

W :  Withdrawl from course

I   :  Incomplete: Coursework must be completed by the end of next term

T  : Transfer credit

Grading per assessment task

Quizzes: A = 90-100%, B = 70-89%, C = 50-70%, F = 0-49% (rounded to the nearest percentage point)

Rubric-based assessment tasks: Weighted average of task criteria grades (A = 3.5-4.0, B = 2.5-3.4, C = 2.0-2.4). 

A minimum grade of C is required for all criteria; one F results in an overall grade of F.

Course grade

The course grade is calculated as a weighted average of assessment task grades (A = 3.5-4.0, B = 2.5-3.4, C = 2.0-2.4).

An F in any assessment task limits the maximum allowable course grade to C.

Program grade

The weighted Grade Point Average (GPA) is calculated as an average GPA weighted by course difficulty (indicated by the 100-700 series course prefix).

Degree Requirements

Master’s degree: A minimum of 33% of courses must be specialty courses (600) and 15% must be capstone courses (700).

Warning, Probation, and Dismissal

An academic warning is issued if a student’s cumulative GPA falls below 3.0 (“B” average) in any term.

Academic probation is imposed if a student’s cumulative GPA remains below 3.0 (“B” average) for two consecutive terms.

Academic dismissal is executed if a student’s cumulative GPA remains below 3.0 (“B” average) for three consecutive terms.

Warning or probation is only provided if a student can meet the qualitative measure of progress within 150% of the program length in credits.


A student is considered withdrawn or dismissed from a program when any of the following occurs:

The student notifies Cedar Mountains University of their intention to withdraw.

Cedar Mountains University withdraws the student’s enrollment due to failure to maintain satisfactory progress, violation of university policies and procedures, excessive absences, or failure to meet financial obligations.


Students who have been withdrawn from a program may apply for readmission.

Readmission is wholly at the discretion of the university.

Depending on the dismissal date and/or withdrawal circumstances, reentering students may be required to restart the program from the beginning.

All re-entering students will be charged tuition for the entire program or remaining portion at the current published tuition rate.

Cedar Mountains University is committed to providing comprehensive support services to ensure the academic success and personal growth of its students.

Academic Advising

Academic advising is available to all students and may be initiated by Cedar Mountains University faculty or any student when the need is identified.

Academic advising includes one-on-one or small group assistance with curriculum content, course selection, academic planning, and other related matters.

Students are encouraged to seek academic advising whenever they encounter difficulties in their studies or require guidance in making academic decisions.

Faculty members are responsible for providing timely and accurate academic advice to students and for referring students to additional resources or support services as needed.

Learning Resources

Cedar Mountains University is committed to providing students with access to all the learning resources required to complete each course and program successfully.

Students will be provided with access to online libraries, databases, and other relevant academic resources, such as Google Scholar, Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), Open Library, Project Gutenberg, PubMed Central (PMC), arXiv, OpenStax, Open Textbook Library, Public Library of Science (PLOS), and Bielefeld Academic Search Engine (BASE).

The University will ensure that all learning resources are up-to-date, relevant, and accessible to students throughout their course of study.

Students will receive guidance and training on how to effectively utilize these learning resources for their academic work and research.

Career Services

Cedar Mountains University offers career development services to support students in their professional growth and job search efforts. Career services include resume review, job search assistance, interview preparation, and access to employment opportunities shared by companies that have partnered with the University.

The University may also organize career workshops, webinars, and other events to help students develop their job search skills and connect with potential employers.

While Cedar Mountains University strives to provide relevant career assistance, it does not guarantee employment or specific income levels to any student or graduate.

Accessibility and Accommodations

Cedar Mountains University is committed to providing equal access to its programs and services for students with disabilities.

Students with disabilities may request reasonable accommodations to ensure their full participation in academic activities and student services.

The University will maintain confidentiality regarding students’ disabilities and accommodation requests, sharing information only as necessary to provide the requested accommodations.

Cedar Mountains University is committed to protecting the privacy and confidentiality of personal information collected from students, employees, and other stakeholders.

This policy outlines how the University collects, uses, stores, and discloses personal information in accordance with applicable standards and laws.

Information We Collect

Cedar Mountains University collects personal information that is necessary for its legitimate educational interests and to fulfill legal obligations.

This may include:

  • Contact information (name, address, email, phone number)
  • Demographic information (age, gender, ethnicity)
  • Academic records and transcripts
  • Financial information (payment details, financial aid applications)
  • Health and disability information (for accommodations and emergency purposes)
  • Online identifiers (IP addresses, cookies, user account information)

How We Use Your Information

The University uses the personal information it collects to:

  • Provide educational services and support

  • Process applications and enrollments

  • Assess academic progress and award degrees

  • Provide student services and accommodations

  • Conduct research and analysis to improve programs and services

  • Comply with legal and regulatory requirements

  • Maintain student safety and security

  • Communicate with students, employees, and other stakeholders

Records we create

Cedar Mountains University records consist of the following permanent scholastic records for all students who are admitted, even if withdrawn:

  • Appropriate entrance and admission acceptance information

  • Attendance and performance information, including grade transcripts, which consist of no less than the program for which they enrolled, each course attempted, and the final grade earned

  • Graduation or termination dates of student

  • Enrollment agreements, tuition payments, refunds, and any other financial transactions

Transcripts and other records are maintained for a minimum of ten (10) years.

Information Sharing and Disclosure

Cedar Mountains University may share personal information with third parties in the following circumstances:

  • With the consent of the individual

  • To comply with a legal obligation (e.g., subpoenas, court orders)

  • To protect the health and safety of the University community

  • With service providers who perform services on behalf of the University (e.g., technology providers, financial institutions)

  • In aggregate or de-identified form for research and analysis purposes

The University does not sell personal information to third parties for any purposes.

Data Security

Cedar Mountains University takes reasonable measures to protect personal information from unauthorized access, use, or disclosure.

This includes implementing appropriate technical, physical, and administrative safeguards, such as encryption, access controls, and employee training.

However, no method of data transmission or storage is completely secure, and the University cannot guarantee the absolute security of personal information.

In the event of a data breach, Cedar Mountains University will follow a comprehensive Data Breach Response Plan to minimize the impact on affected individuals and comply with applicable laws and regulations.

The University’s response will include the following steps:

Discovery and notification

Upon discovering a potential data breach, the University will promptly investigate to determine the nature and scope of the incident.

If a breach is confirmed, the University will notify affected individuals, law enforcement, and relevant regulatory authorities, as required by law.

Containment and assessment

The University will take immediate steps to contain the breach and prevent further unauthorized access, use, or disclosure of personal information.

A thorough assessment will be conducted to determine the types of information involved, the number of affected individuals, and the potential risks.

Remediation and mitigation

The University will implement appropriate measures to mitigate the risks associated with the breach, such as resetting passwords, enhancing security controls, and providing credit monitoring services to affected individuals.

Any vulnerabilities or security weaknesses that contributed to the breach will be identified and addressed to prevent future incidents.

Communication and support

The University will provide clear and timely communication to affected individuals, informing them about the nature of the breach, the steps being taken to address it, and any actions they should take to protect themselves.

A dedicated support team will be available to answer questions and provide assistance to affected individuals.

Investigation and analysis

A comprehensive investigation will be conducted to determine the cause of the breach and identify any gaps in the University’s security practices or policies.

Lessons learned from the incident will be used to improve the University’s data protection measures and incident response capabilities.

Reporting and compliance

The University will maintain detailed records of the data breach and its response efforts.

All required reports will be submitted to relevant regulatory authorities, and the University will cooperate fully with any investigations or inquiries.

Training and awareness

The University will provide regular training and awareness programs to ensure that employees, students, and other stakeholders understand their roles and responsibilities in protecting personal information and responding to data breaches.

Your Rights and Choices

Individuals have certain rights regarding their personal information, including the right to:

  • Access and obtain a copy of their personal information

  • Request correction of inaccurate personal information

  • Request deletion of personal information (subject to certain exceptions)

  • Opt-out of certain types of data processing (e.g., marketing communications)

To exercise these rights, individuals may contact your student concierge.

International Data Transfers

Cedar Mountains University may transfer personal information to countries outside of the United States for legitimate educational purposes.

The University will ensure that such transfers are carried out in compliance with applicable data protection laws and that appropriate safeguards are in place to protect the privacy and security of personal information.

Children's Privacy

Cedar Mountains University does not knowingly collect personal information from children under the age of 13 without parental consent.

If the University becomes aware that it has collected personal information from a child under 13 without parental consent, it will take steps to delete the information as soon as possible.

Student Obligations

Staff and students are responsible for protecting the confidentiality of sensitive information they may encounter during their studies, particularly during practical assessment activities.

When completing assessment tasks, students must take care to de-identify or redact confidential stakeholder or organizational information.

If a student has concerns about the impact this may have on their ability to demonstrate competence and complete the course, they should raise the issue with their professor at the earliest opportunity.

Updates to this Policy

Cedar Mountains University may update this Privacy Policy from time to time to reflect changes in its data practices or legal obligations.

The University will notify individuals of any material changes to this policy by posting a notice on its website or through other appropriate communication channels.

Cedar Mountains University (CMU) is committed to providing a fair and transparent refund policy for its students.

This policy outlines the circumstances under which students may be eligible for a refund of tuition fees and other related costs.

Grounds for Refunds

Course or Program Cancellation: If CMU cancels a course or program, students will receive a full refund of all fees paid, excluding non-refundable application fees and the cost of any resources already provided.

Unsuitable Changes to Course or Program: If CMU makes changes to a course or program that significantly alter its content, structure, or delivery method, rendering it unsuitable for the student, a full refund of all fees paid will be provided.

Denied Enrollment: If a student is denied enrollment by CMU, a full refund of all fees paid will be provided.

Withdrawal Within the Add/Drop Period: If a student withdraws from a course or program within the designated add/drop period (defined as the first 20% of the term duration), a full refund of tuition fees will be provided.

Special Circumstances: If, within 12 months of enrollment, a student can demonstrate that circumstances beyond their control prevented them from continuing their course and notifying CMU, a special circumstances refund may be provided at the discretion of the University.

No Refund Circumstances

Withdrawal After the Add/Drop Period: If a student withdraws from a course or program after the designated add/drop period (defined as the first 20% of the term duration), no refund will be provided.

Submission of Assessment Items: If a student has submitted any assessment items (excluding online quizzes), no refund will be provided, as the tuition is considered earned.

Involuntary Withdrawal or Dismissal: If a student is involuntarily withdrawn or dismissed from CMU in accordance with the University’s policies, no refund will be provided.

Course Postponement

If CMU postpones a course to an alternative start date, students will be offered the choice between a full refund of the course fees or the opportunity to attend the next available course offering.

Course Deferment

Students may request a course deferment due to compassionate or compelling circumstances, subject to the approval of CMU.

The deferment period may not exceed six (6) months.

A course deferment does not automatically entitle the student to a refund.

Refund Request Procedure

To request a refund, students must submit a written application directly to CMU.

The University will review and respond to each application in writing within 7 working days of receipt.

CMU will issue refunds in the same currency and through the same payment method as the original transaction.

For example, if the original payment was made by credit card, the refund will be processed to that same credit card.

Complaints and Appeals

If a student is dissatisfied with the outcome of their refund request, they may file a complaint or appeal under CMU’s Complaints and Appeals policy.

The existence of this policy does not preclude students from seeking recourse under applicable U.S. consumer protection laws.

All students or persons wishing to enroll in a course of study provided by Cedar Mountains University are entitled to access the student complaints and appeals policy and related procedures, regardless of their location, place of residence, or mode of study.

Academic complaints may be about the decisions or actions of staff or committees at CMU.

They may not be about the policies, procedures, or academic standards of CMU.

An appeal may be about how someone has interpreted or implemented a policy or procedure, but it cannot be about the policy or procedure itself.

Informal Resolution

Students are encouraged to first attempt to resolve their complaint informally by discussing the issue with the relevant staff member within 30 days of the issue or event arising.

If the complaint is not resolved to the student’s satisfaction through informal means, they may proceed with a formal complaint.

Formal Complaints

Formal complaints should be submitted in writing to the appropriate department head within 30 days of the issue or event arising.

In reviewing the complaint, the department head must adhere to the principles of procedural fairness, which include:

  • The right of the complainant to obtain (on request) written reasons for the decision made
  • The right of the complainant to comment on materials that may be adverse to them

CMU is committed to:

  • Ensuring a complainant or respondent is not victimized or discriminated against
  • Considering complaints in a consistent, transparent, objective, and unbiased manner
  • Making all details of the procedures publicly available
  • Communicating the procedures in writing to all staff and ensuring comprehensive training regarding comprehension and implementation of the policy’s procedures and that amendments and their implications are understood
  • Specifying reasonable timelines for responses to each stage of the process and monitoring these timelines
  • Allowing the complainant and/or respondent to be accompanied and/or assisted by a third party if desired
  • Keeping appropriate records of complaints for at least five years and allowing parties to the complaint appropriate access to these records
  • Ensuring that such records are treated as confidential
  • Reviewing the complaints handling process regularly


Outcomes of the formal complaints process may be appealed within 30 days.

Appeals must be reviewed externally by an independent and impartial senior officer of an unrelated higher education institution nominated by CMU and agreed to by the appellant.

The appellant will be informed of the identity of the independent person or body, and the principles that apply to original complaints (listed above) will continue to apply during the appeal process.

External Resolution

If the student complaint cannot be resolved after exhausting the university’s grievance procedure, the student may file a complaint with the Utah Department of Commerce – Division of Consumer Protection.

The student must contact the Department for further details:

160 East 300 South
Salt Lake City, UT 84111
800.721.7233 | Website: Consumer Protection (


There is no fee for filing a complaint.

However, the external party reviewing an appeal may charge a fee for service. If an appeal is upheld (resolved in the student’s favor), CMU will bear the cost of the appeal.

If an appeal is denied (resolved in favor of CMU), the student will bear the cost of the appeal.

The liability for costs only applies to third-party charges; CMU will not levy an administrative or other charge for this service.

The student will be fully advised of this risk and the entire cost of the process before the commencement of the appeal.

These terms and conditions apply to students enrolled or intending to enroll in Cedar Mountains University courses, including subjects, short courses, units, courses, and degree programs (hereafter referred to as “Courses”).

Consent and Verification

By accepting these terms and conditions, I give consent to Cedar Mountains University to make any inquiries necessary to verify the information disclosed in my application for enrollment.

Fees and Payment

I agree to pay the fees for the Courses in the stipulated currency.

I accept that I am liable for the agreed fee amount even if I do not complete my Course or fail to advise Cedar Mountains University of withdrawal from my Course during the Add/Drop period (see below).

University Obligations

Upon receipt of the agreed fee, Cedar Mountains University will:

  • Provide a receipt
  • Grant access to course materials and assessments
  • Evaluate and provide feedback on assessment tasks as per the course schedule
  • Issue a transcript and diploma (if applicable) upon satisfactory completion of a course or degree program

Course Enrollment

I acknowledge the following in relation to course enrollment:

  • Cedar Mountains University must receive full payment of fees before course enrollment can proceed.
  • Enrollment is complete when I have received the learning and assessment materials or been issued a username and password for online access to the relevant course.
  • The date of completing enrollment will be known as the agreed commencement date.
  • A course is non-transferable once the student has commenced.
  • A student’s enrollment will be terminated after completing their course, as determined at the sole discretion of Cedar Mountains University, and occurs when the student is awarded a final grade in the course

Course Materials

I acknowledge that access to course materials supplied online may be revoked once my enrollment has ended.

It is my responsibility to save and/or copy content as required for reference purposes.

The content of the course materials, including copyright and all other intellectual property rights contained therein, remain the property of Cedar Mountains University.

I may not reproduce any part of the course materials without the prior written consent of Cedar Mountains University.

Additional Policies

I have read and agree to be bound by the other policies of Cedar Mountains University outlined in the student handbook.


Although every effort is made to avoid such errors, where there is any inconsistency between any prior statement by Cedar Mountains University and these terms and conditions, the terms and conditions shall prevail.


Cedar Mountains University may revise the policy documents and any terms and conditions contained in this agreement at any time at its sole discretion. Any such revisions will be available on the university website.

Media Consent

I agree to and provide permission for the photographic, video, audio, or any other form of electronic recording of me for and on behalf of Cedar Mountains University.

I authorize the use or reproduction of any image/recording referred to above for the purposes of publishing materials related to the activities, programs, and services of Cedar Mountains University without acknowledgment and without being entitled to remuneration or compensation.

The image/recording may appear in print, electronic, or video media and may be available to a global audience online.

Images/recordings may also be provided to other entities for use in related publications.

I acknowledge that Cedar Mountains University will retain ownership of any image/recording.

I understand and agree that if I wish to withdraw this authorization, I will be responsible for informing Cedar Mountains University.

Use of Reference

Where a commercial, government, or not-for-profit entity pays for an enrollment, Cedar Mountains University may honestly and fairly reference and/or publish the entity’s trading name and/or logo on university websites and/or marketing materials without written approval unless otherwise agreed.


I acknowledge that if I have been introduced to Cedar Mountains University by a third party:

  • The third party has not acted as Cedar Mountains University’s agent to negotiate and enter into this agreement.
  • The third party is not authorized to make any representations or warranties to me on behalf of Cedar Mountains University regarding this agreement or impose any obligations on the university.
  • Cedar Mountains University may pay commissions, fees, or remuneration to that third party.

Disclaimer and Limitation of Liability

Under no circumstances, including but not limited to negligence by act or omission, shall Cedar Mountains University, or any party involved in creating, producing, or delivering its websites, be liable for any damages, including but not limited to direct, indirect, consequential, or punitive damages, that result from the use of or attempts to use its websites, even if Cedar Mountains University or an authorized representative has been advised of the possibility of such damages.

Applicable law may not allow the limitation or exclusion of liability for incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitation or exclusion may not apply to you.

Nevertheless, in no event shall Cedar Mountains University’s total liability to you for all damages, losses, and causes of action exceed the amount paid by you for accessing its courses.

Cedar Mountains University does not warrant its websites to be free of viruses, assumes no responsibility, and shall not be liable for any damages to, or viruses that may infect, your computer equipment or other property on account of your access to, use of, or browsing of its websites, following links from its websites, or your downloading of any materials, data, text, images, video, or audio from its websites.

You expressly agree that the use of its websites is at your sole risk.


These terms and conditions shall be governed by the laws of the State of Utah, USA, without regard to conflict of law rules.

By enrolling in courses at Cedar Mountains University, you consent to the jurisdiction of the Federal and State Courts located in Utah to hear any claims related to your enrollment or the courses you purchase, and you further consent that any legal claims you have shall be heard exclusively in such Utah courts and shall not be heard in the courts of any other jurisdiction or venue.

Acceptance of Terms and Conditions

By accepting these terms and conditions:

  • I am warranting that I am 18 years of age or over, or
  • If I am under 18 years of age, my parent or guardian accepts the conditions of this enrollment agreement. By such execution, my parent or guardian acknowledges and accepts the terms and conditions herein.

Have a question?

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